CONA is a nonprofit civic organization that represents, educates, and assists more than seventy neighborhood, condominium, homeowner, and other civic associations, plus individual members dedicated to working to protect neighborhood interests and to providing a voice for all of the neighborhoods in Sarasota County and her municipalities.
We were founded in 1961.
CONA exists to leverage the nonpartisan power of neighborhoods and
to make Sarasota County more neighborhood-friendly.
photograph gallery
some of our favorite
CONA photographs!
link to videos and meetings page
continue to our meetings page
to see upcoming meetings and
for our archives and videos
P O Box 1669
Tallevast, Florida 34270
links to notable CONA meeting videos and articles from our archives
twentieth state neighborhoods conference workshop about CONA - our philosophy, methods, benefits part 1 — part 2
October 2012 meeting on ballot amendments: part 1 and part 2
neighbors helping neighborhoods since 1961
revive our vision of Sarasota
Many of our meetings will be focusing on this. We have launched our effort to revisit our vision of the county, developed previously with much community involvement, but that seems to have been lost, in order to get us back on the track our community desires.
Get on board as we revive the vision we are on the verge of losing forever.
use our
fyi —
your news
We encourage you to take action in order to help the effort for clean and healthy water.
** Please sign the petition to have an amendment added to the state constitution.**
Signatures of registered voters are needed on petitions in order to get it on the 2026 ballot
so the voters may grant the right to clean and healthy waters to all Floridians.
The nonpartisan petitions are available here
we have a new feature for information sharing to you and from you
fyi — ( please send your information to share )
CONA endorses
proposed nonpartisan amendment to the
Florida State Constitution
sign the petition — help gather signatures
local contact: ronaturek at gmail com